Accounts Receivable
BACKGROUND: You sold an item to your customer and it was defective. You need to send a replacement item to the customer and the customer will send the defective item back to you.
The following are the steps to issue a return authorization to your customer and then send the product back to the vendor for credit.
1. You have originally sold the customer a new item and charged the normal price using a new order. You have invoiced the order. This will remove one from your inventory.
2. Enter a new order as a return authorization. This order will stay in the backorders until the item has been returned from the customer. The return authorization number is the order number. Use a negative quantity for the item. The price will be the normal selling price. The quantity will not be allocated to backorder for the inventory item.
3. When you receive the item from the customer, display the return authorization order and invoice. This will add the quantity back into your inventory. This will put a credit on the customer account. Apply the credit using your normal apply credit memo procedures.
4. Issue a purchase order to your vendor for the return of the item. Use a negative quantity. Immediately receive the purchase order quantity. This will remove the item from your inventory. The purchase order will remain on the un-invoiced purchases until you have received notice of the credit from your vendor.
5. When you receive notice of the credit from the vendor, receive the invoice for this order. This will place a credit voucher in the accounts payable system.
The system does not mark the serial number sold until the order is invoiced.
Display the unsold serial numbers for the model. Enter the customer number, invoice number, invoice date, and price from the invoice. This will manually update the serial numbers as sold.
Add the serial number to the machines for that customer in the service section
1. If the daily report for payments has not been updated
a. Go into the payments screen again if you have closed that screen without updating.
b. Select the bad payment line in the list of payments. Press your delete key on the keyboard.
c. Enter the payment correctly.
2. The daily report for payments has been updated.
a. You can only make an offsetting (negative) cash receipt.
b. During the payment, click the VIEW PAID INVOICES button to display the invoices already paid.
c. Enter a negative payment to undo the original payment.
3. The invoice is not in current invoices for the customer, but is in history invoices (the month has been closed)
a. Enter a new invoice by going to orders/invoices, beginning balances.
b. Enter a positive amount of the incorrect payment in the amount box.
c. Enter the invoice number with a suffix such as 12345A.
d. Make a journal entry debiting accounts receivable and debiting cash.
The item is not in the look up tables.
Go to Inventory, Other, Model Supply Cross Reference.
The item is not listed for that model. Add any missing supply items.
That machine in not in the service dispatch system or the machine has the wrong contract type listed. The list of machines with supplies under contract comes from the machines for the customer that have a contract type that includes supplies.
You can invoice national accounts to the manufacturer. This will create an invoice to the manufacturer in accounts receivable. They will normally issue a credit to your account which needs to be used in accounts payable. You could also have an invoice in accounts receivable that you trade out with a voucher in accounts payable.
1. Do a cash receipt for the credit in accounts receivable and change the general ledger number to a clearing general ledger account number.
2. Enter a negative voucher to the vendor in accounts payable and use the same clearing general ledger account number.
The invoice will show a zero balance in accounts receivable and you will have a credit voucher in accounts payable to use during the check routines.
The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the statement template
dname | Company Name |
dadd1 | Company Address 1 |
dadd2 | Company Address 2 |
dadd3 | Company Address 3 |
dadd4 | Company Address 4 |
dadd5 | Company Address 5 |
dcity | Company City |
dstate | Company State/Province |
dzip | Company Zip/Postal Code |
dcsz | Company City, State, Zip on one line |
dphone | Company Phone |
dfax | Company Fax |
cust | Customer Number |
custn | Customer Name |
add1 | Customer Address 1 |
add2 | Customer Address 2 |
add3 | Customer Address 3 |
add4 | Customer Address 4 |
add5 | Customer Address 5 |
csz | Customer City, State, Zip on one line |
shipcustn | Ship To Customer Name |
shipadd1 | Ship To Customer Address 1 |
shipadd2 | Ship To Customer Address 2 |
shipadd3 | Ship To Customer Address 3 |
shipadd4 | Ship To Customer Address 4 |
shipadd5 | Ship To Customer Address 5 |
shipcsz | Ship To Customer City, State, Zip on one line |
date | Statement Date |
email address of customer | |
phone | phone number of customer |
fax | fax number of customer |
messages | Statement Messages |
Make sure that the pick ticket program is running. Start the program on the station if it is not running.
The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the pick ticket template.
Each bookmark can be used twice by adding the number 2 after the bookmark name. For example, custn and custn2 are used for the customer name.
dname | Company Name |
dadd1 | Company Address 1 |
dadd2 | Company Address 2 |
dadd3 | Company Address 3 |
dadd4 | Company Address 4 |
dadd5 | Company Address 5 |
dcity | Company City |
dstate | Company State/Province |
dzip | Company Zip/Postal Code |
dcsz | Company City, State, Zip on one line |
dphone | Company Phone |
dfax | Company Fax |
so | Order Number |
cust | Customer Number |
custn | Customer Name |
add1 | Customer Address 1 |
add2 | Customer Address 2 |
add3 | Customer Address 3 |
add4 | Customer Address 4 |
add5 | Customer Address 5 |
csz | Customer City, State, Zip on one line |
shipcustn | Ship To Name |
shipadd1 | Ship To Address 1 |
shipadd2 | Ship To Address 2 |
shipadd3 | Ship To Address 3 |
shipadd4 | Ship To Address 4 |
shipadd5 | Ship To Address 5 |
shipcsz | Ship To City, State, Zip on one line |
salesrep | Sales Rep on the invoice |
ponumber | Purchase Order Number |
orderdate | Date Ordered |
ordertime | Time Ordered |
shipvia | How Shipped |
terms | Terms on the order |
email address of customer | |
phone | phone number of customer |
fax | fax number of customer |
resale | Resale number of customer |
taxcode | Tax code of customer |
orderby | Ordered by of order |
messages | Messages of order |
shipdate | Shipping Date |
Takenby | The employee taking the order |
custcont | Customer contact name from the customer record |
tracking | Shipment tracking numbers for the order |
loyalty | Loyalty points for this order as well as cumulative loyalty points |
The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the order(invoice) and service call template.
dname | Company Name |
dadd1 | Company Address 1 |
dadd2 | Company Address 2 |
dadd3 | Company Address 3 |
dadd4 | Company Address 4 |
dadd5 | Company Address 5 |
dcity | Company City |
dstate | Company State/Province |
dzip | Company Zip/Postal Code |
dcsz | Company City, State, Zip on one line |
dphone | Company Phone |
dfax | Company Fax |
ordernumber | Order Number |
cust | Customer Number |
custn | Customer Name |
add1 | Customer Address 1 |
add2 | Customer Address 2 |
add3 | Customer Address 3 |
add4 | Customer Address 4 |
add5 | Customer Address 5 |
csz | Customer City, State, Zip on one line |
shipcustn | Ship To Name |
shipadd1 | Ship To Address 1 |
shipadd2 | Ship To Address 2 |
shipadd3 | Ship To Address 3 |
shipadd4 | Ship To Address 4 |
shipadd5 | Ship To Address 5 |
shipcsz | Ship To City, State, Zip on one line |
salesrep | Sales Rep on the invoice |
ponumber | Purchase Order Number |
invn | Invoice Number |
invdate | Invoice Date |
duedate | Due Date of Invoice |
ordernumber | Order Number |
totaldue | Total due on invoice |
totaldue2 | Total due on invoice |
totaldue3 | Total due on invoice |
shipvia | How Shipped |
terms | Terms on the order |
email address of customer | |
phone | phone number of customer |
fax | fax number of customer |
resale | Resale number of customer |
taxcode | Tax code of customer |
orderby | Ordered by of order |
messages | Messages of order |
shipdate | Shipping Date |
takenby | The employee taking the order |
custcont | Customer contact name from the customer record |
tracking | Shipment tracking numbers for the order |
loyalty | Loyalty points for this order as well as cumulative loyalty points |
balancedue | The balance of the invoice after the payments are printed |
A customer has a credit (negative invoice) on their account and you want to apply that amount to an outstanding invoice. This is done with offsetting payments. Apply a negative payment to the credit and a positive payment to the invoice.
- Go to the payments screen where you would normally enter payments.
- Select the customer. This will list their outstanding invoices and will show the credit and any outstanding invoices.
- Enter “apply credit” for the check number.
- Enter zero for the payment amount.
- Check the box on the credit invoice to use the credit. This will make a negative payment on the credit invoice.
- Check the box on in the debit invoice for which the credit is to be applied.
- Change the amount in the last column to be a positive amount of the credit.
- Save the payment.
- Print the payment report and update.
Make sure that the net payment for both invoices is zero. A negative payment for the credit and a positive payment for the invoice.
If the credit is more than the invoice, edit the payment amount to be the amount you want to apply. Remember the amount is negative on the credit.