When the call is completed, change the contract type for that service call to a billable contract type. This will only change the contract type for THIS call and will NOT change the service machine master.
The part used should then be added to the invoicing lines. If not, double click the item in the list of inventory used. This will add that item to the invoicing list. Adjust the amount to be invoiced and invoice as normal.
Go to Service/Contract Billing, Machines, Display All Machines.
Once the machines are displayed, use the filter row to filter the grid to show only the desired contract type. View the tutorial on how to use the grid for more information on filtering and grouping techniques.
The filter can also include an asterisk (*) as a wild card. This can be at the first or last of the filter expression. For example, *TM will filter all contract types that end in TM.
This is correct.
When a new machine is created in dispatch, the system will default to using the customer tax code. However, the tax code can be changed for this machine master.
If a customer tax code is changed and all the machines are to be changed also, you must display each machine and check the tax code.
If the machine is also in contract billing, you must change the tax code there as well.
Each machine can have a different tax code from each other and from the customer tax code. The same machine can have one tax code for service calls and another tax code for contract billing purposes. Each meter that is invoiced for contract billing can even have a different tax code.
Always set the tax code on the service tab as well as the contract tab on the display machine screen.
The query library contains a query to update the tax code for all machines for a customer to the tax code which is on the customer record.
The system uses the pm months and/or clicks from the models serviced table. This can be overridden at the machine level by setting the pm months and/or clicks on the machine master.
When a service call is completed, and the PM service type is used, the system will update the date and reading of the pm call in the service master. You can also display the master and set the date and/or reading of the last pm service call.
Go to Service/Contract Billing, Service Calls, Display/Dispatch PM. Click the Search for PM Due button at the top of the screen. The system will then calculate the date of the next PM. If that date is during the current or next month, an entry will be added to the list for that machine.
The program will not do this is the contract type ends in TM (time and materials).
The contract type is not set up properly.
Display the machine master to find the contract type.
Go to Service/Contract Billing, Other, Contract Types. Double click on the contract type.
Look at the coverage information which is located on the right hand side of the screen.
Verify that the category of the inventory item or labor is covered or not covered for this contract type.
Call backs are determine first by the definition of call back (days and/or clicks) in the models serviced table. If the call is over either the days or clicks, it cannot be a call back.
The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the work order template.
From the customer record
cust | Customer number |
custn | Customer name |
add1 | Address 1 |
add2 | Address 2 |
city | City |
state | State/Province |
zip | Zip/Postal code |
custphone | Customer phone number |
custfax | Cusotmer fax number |
Customer email | |
resale | Resale number |
salesrep | Salesrep of customer |
creditcode | Credit code of the customer |
cust2 | Customer number repeat |
custn2 | Customer name repeat |
From the service call record
call1 | Call type 1 |
call2 | Call type 2 |
call3 | Call type 3 |
call4 | Call type 4 |
call5 | Call type 5 |
logcomments | Log call comments |
priority | Log call priority |
po | Purchase order number |
logdate | Log date |
logtime | Log time |
tech | Tech assigned |
job | Job number |
logmeter | Reading when call was placed |
orderby | Person who placed the service call |
takenby | Employee who logged the service call |
logdate2 | Log date repeat |
logtime2 | Log time repeat |
tech2 | Tech assigned repeat |
job2 | Job number repeat |
From the service machine record
model | Model of machine |
serial | Serial number of machine |
contract | Contract type |
taxcode | Tax code from machine master |
lastpmdate | Last pm date |
lastpmmeter | Last pm meter reading |
lastdate | Last service date |
lastmeter | Last meter reading |
installdate | Installation date of the machine |
loc1 | Machine location 1 |
loc2 | Machine location 2 |
loc3 | Machine location 3 |
loc4 | Machine location 4 |
loc5 | Machine location 5 |
machphone | Machine phone number |
machfax | Machine fax number |
keyop | Key operator |
terms | Customer terms |
idnumber | Machine id number |
ipaddress | IP address of the machine |
dpcomments | Messages from the machine record |
idnumber2 | Machine id number repeat |
expdate | Expiration date of the service contract |
model2 | Model of machine repeat |
serial2 | Serial number of machine repeat |
From the service history
prevjob | Previous job number |
prevjobcomments | Previous job comments |
history | Last 5 service calls |
warranty | warranty parts replacement |