Reasons to have a loyalty/frequent buyer program for your business:
- Increase your brand awareness among your customers.
- It costs as much as 5 times more to find new customers than to keep a current customer.
- Give your customers another reason to keep coming back to you.
- Reward your most loyal customers.
- Give them something they want in return for their continued business.
- Target marketing efforts using your customer’s purchases and purchasing patterns.
- Your competitors are rewarding their customers, you should also.
Loyalty Package Features
Import information from other accounting packages.
Quickbooks® plug in to import customers, items, and invoices. No need to enter your information again, just import.
Import from CSV text files and Excel spreadsheets. Again, no need to enter your information again, just import. If your software package can export, the information can be imported.
You have the option to enter your customers, items, and sales.
Interfaces with the rest of the River Cities Software packages so that you do not have to import anything if using the River Cities Software accounting and/or service packages.
Assign points for inventory and services using your formula.
Point calculations can be different for different types of items. For example, use a different calculation based on where the item was purchased, whether it was remanufactured, or the type of purchase such as restaurant or bar.
Points can be calculated from any combination of sales, cost, and profit. For example, if your gave points on profit, the higher profit item will give more points to your customers.
Different point calculations can be done for service calls.
Service contracts can have different calculations for base charges or per page excess charges.
Reward your larger customers even more.
Set bonus levels. Similar to airline frequent flyer programs, when a customer reaches so many points, they can have a bonus points added.
Multiple bonus levels. For example, after 25000 points, 25% bonus, after 50000 points, 50% bonus.
Set qualification time frames for the bonus, again similar to airline frequent flyer programs.
Complete detailed point history by customer, items purchased, and awards.
Expire points if a customer becomes inactive.
Analyze awards. Which awards are being redeemed and what is the cost of the rewards.
Analyze profitability. Has your loyalty program been profitable. Has sales or profit increased since you started your program. Compare two date ranges for detailed customer, item, and award changes.
Loyalty Package Rewards
Awards can be anything, they do not have to be your products.
Give your customer something they want.
From our research with small business owners, they value rewards that are not business related. Their cost for your items and services are business expenses. Why reward them with something that increases their taxes? Lower cost of supplies and services equals higher taxes.
Let them redeem points for dinner out with their spouse or sporting events they can take their children. Anything that lets your customers see the value of doing business with your company.
Set different point values for each award.
Awards can be your inventory, services, or credit on their account.
Awards can be anything, gift cards, tickets to events, even vacations.
Set the points for each award. You want to keep the cost of the points to around a penny a point. For example, if you have a reward for a 50.00 gift card to a restaurant, this could be set to 20000 points where points are calculated on profit and you have a 25% profit margin on sales.
The award analysis can be used to analyze the cost of awards.
Award receipts are emailed or printed when your customer redeems an award.
Point history, point balances, and awards can be viewed by your customer on your web site.
Upload to River Cities Software customer web portal.
Download award requests from the River Cities Software customer web portal.
Export information to CSV or Excel spreadsheets to include in your web site.
Integrate the loyalty web pages into your current web site. We will help you set this up on your current web site. Just give us a call or email for requirements and instructions.
Market To Your Customers and Prospects
The loyalty frequent buyer package comes with built in sales prospecting, email marketing, and more.
Keep in constant contact with your customers.
Email point statements on a regular basis.
Mine your data and create targeted lists. For example, create a list of all customers that have purchased a specific item or group of items.
Email, send letters, faxes, or postcards to a list.
Know what you have scheduled and when
The Sales Prospecting system contains a complete appointment and task scheduler with daily, monthly, weekly, and yearly views. Also a planner view can be displayed. Each appointment can be color coded and reminders set.
Contact history is maintained for as long as desired.
Comments may be entered for each contact. This will allow a detailed explanation of what the contact was about. This can be used to get new salesreps selling in a shorter time when existing salesreps leave your firm.
Statistics on each type of contact or call can be maintained for each salesrep. The statistics report is used to measure salesrep productivity.
Information, information, information!
An example is when your sales people call on a new prospect. They can gather a wealth of information about what types of equipment the prospect uses, such as brand and model, expiration date of service contracts and types of contract. Now you know what type of supplies they need.
Have the ability to maintain multiple contacts within a prospect and selectively sort to determine the relationship with other firms within your market area with SIC code comparisons.
Email Newsletters, Sales Forecasts, Pipeline management, Sales Funnel Management, and more.