Accounts Payable (6)

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1. Display the voucher. Look at the payments made on this voucher. What is the date of the payment. If after the date of the aging report, it has not been paid yet according to the aging report.

2. This can also be caused by a null in the discount. Display the voucher. Change the discount to zero even though it looks like a zero.

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The last step of the cash requirements report is to not pay a negative check.

If the credits being used are more than the vouchers selected to be paid, this would result in a negative check.

The cash requirements report will not select any vouchers for the vendor in this scenario.

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You can invoice national accounts to the manufacturer. This will create an invoice to the manufacturer in accounts receivable. They will normally issue a credit to your account which needs to be used in accounts payable. You could also have an invoice in accounts receivable that you trade out with a voucher in accounts payable.

1. Do a cash receipt for the credit in accounts receivable and change the general ledger number to a clearing general ledger account number.

2. Enter a negative voucher to the vendor in accounts payable and use the same clearing general ledger account number.

The invoice will show a zero balance in accounts receivable and you will have a credit voucher in accounts payable to use during the check routines.

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Accounts Receivable (11)

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The item is not in the look up tables.

Go to Inventory, Other, Model Supply Cross Reference.

The item is not listed for that model. Add any missing supply items.

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That machine in not in the service dispatch system or the machine has the wrong contract type listed. The list of machines with supplies under contract comes from the machines for the customer that have a contract type that includes supplies.

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You can invoice national accounts to the manufacturer. This will create an invoice to the manufacturer in accounts receivable. They will normally issue a credit to your account which needs to be used in accounts payable. You could also have an invoice in accounts receivable that you trade out with a voucher in accounts payable.

1. Do a cash receipt for the credit in accounts receivable and change the general ledger number to a clearing general ledger account number.

2. Enter a negative voucher to the vendor in accounts payable and use the same clearing general ledger account number.

The invoice will show a zero balance in accounts receivable and you will have a credit voucher in accounts payable to use during the check routines.

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Contract Billing (5)

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Check, are the expiration date of the contract, bill day, frequency, and whether this machine has a meter. All of these also determine when a machine is to print on the meter call sheet.  Is it proper month for the machine or group to be invoiced.


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The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the contract billing template.

dname Company Name
dadd1 Company Address 1
dadd2 Company Address 2
dadd3 Company Address 3
dadd4 Company Address 4
dadd5 Company Address 5
dcity Company City
dstate Company State/Province
dzip Company Zip/Postal Code
dcsz Company City, State, Zip on one line
dphone Company Phone
dfax Company Fax
ordernumber Order Number
cust Customer Number
custn Customer Name
add1 Customer Address 1
add2 Customer Address 2
add3 Customer Address 3
add4 Customer Address 4
add5 Customer Address 5
csz Customer City, State, Zip on one line
shipcustn Ship To Name
shipadd1 Ship To Address 1
shipadd2 Ship To Address 2
shipadd3 Ship To Address 3
shipadd4 Ship To Address 4
shipadd5 Ship To Address 5
shipcsz Ship To City, State, Zip on one line
salesrep Sales Rep on the invoice
terms Terms for the invoice
ponumber Purchase Order Number
invn Invoice Number
invdate Invoice Date
duedate Due Date of Invoice
totaldue Total due on invoice
totaldue2 Total due on invoice
totaldue3 Total due on invoice
email email address of customer
phone phone number of customer
fax fax number of customer
resale Resale number of customer
taxcode Tax code of customer
messages Messages of order
custcont Customer contact name from the customer record
tracking Shipment tracking numbers for the order
balancedue The balance of the invoice after payments are printed

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1. Create the contract type.

A. Go to Service/Contracts, select Other, then click on  click the “Other” menu and select Contract Types.

B. Select an existing contract type or enter a new contract type in the New Row at the top of the grid.

C. Enter the contract code and the appropriate general ledger numbers.

D. Check the box that says “include supplies”. This indicates that the contract will include supplies.

E. Click the “Coverage” button and set the coverage categories.

2. Set up the supplies that are used for each model machine.

A. Go to Inventory, Other and select Model Supply Cross Reference.

B. Enter each make, model, and supply item. Optionally enter the yield for that supply item. The make is optional. The model MUST be the same as used in the machine master record of service.

C. Each supply item that can be used for that model must be entered. For example, enter the OEM cartridge item number, compatible item number, and remanufactured item number. If the machine is color, you will need to enter each of the color cartridge item numbers.

3. When a customer orders supplies, enter the order as normal using the New Order routines in the Orders/Invoices section of accounts receivable.

A. Select the Contract Supplies tab.

B. Select the machine for which the supply item is to be used. The system will only display the machines with a “supply inclusive” contract. Check the box to select.  The screen will display the supply items associated with that model.

C. Select the item desired. The screen will display each time that supply item was invoiced to the customer.

D. Optionally enter the meter reading or page count if you gather meter readings when an order is entered.

E. Enter the quantity to be delivered.

F. The default price is zero. However, you can enter a price.

G. Click Add to Order.

4. Invoice as normal. The cost of the cartridge is added as a cost of the contract when analyzing the contract using the service manager section.

5. Any inventory used in a service call is done with a work order in the service dispatch system. Cartridges that are delivered are entered as a new order. Even if a tech delivers a cartridge during a service call, it is best to enter as a new order in the accounts receivable system.


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Financial Manager (1)

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Go to financial manager, inventory analysis, inventory usage analysis.

Enter the date range desired.

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Installation (3)

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Add the new printer to the windows operating system.

If you cannot add the printer or see it in the list of printers, there is a problem with windows.

Boot to safe mode and see if you can find the printers. Boot normally and see if the printes are there.

If you still cannot find the printers, you may need to reinstall the operating system.

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The main programs have a print screen function under the File menu. To print from other programs do the following.

1. When the screen is displayed, hold the alternate key (ALT) and press the print screen key. This will copy the screen to the windows clipboard.

2. Open word processing or email program. Use the paste button (edit and paste or the ctl-v key) to paste the screen from the clipboard to the document.

3. Print the document from the word processing program or send the email.

This can be done with any screen displayed.

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There are two way to reprint a report.

In the general ledger menu, display the journal entry or transaction.  The report can be reprinted.

Use the reprint reports program from the RCS admin tools program.

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Purchase Order (2)

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You must receive them in different batches.

Receive the first invoice, run the receive invoice report and update.

Now receive the next invoice for the same purchase order, print the report and update.

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The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is
used in the purchase order template

dname Company Name
dadd1 Company Address 1
dadd2 Company Address 2
dadd3 Company Address 3
dadd4 Company Address 4
dadd5 Company Address 5
dcity Company City
dstate Company state/province
dzip Company zip/postal code
dphone Company Phone
dfax Company Fax
ponumber Purchase order number
vend Vendor number
vendname Vendor name
add1 Vendor Address 1
add2 Vendor Address 2
add3 Vendor Address 3
add4 Vendor Address 4
add5 Vendor Address 5
csz Vendor city, state, and zip on one line
shipname Ship To Name
shipadd1 Ship To Address 1
shipadd2 Ship To Address 2
shipadd3 Ship To Address 3
shipadd4 Ship To Address 4
shipadd5 Ship To Address 5
shipcsz Ship To Address city, state, and zip on one line
orderdate Order Date
shipdate Date Required
shipvia How Shipped
terms Terms on the order
account Your account number with the vendor
vendphone Vendor phone number
vendfax Vendor fax number
messages Messages of order
so Accounts receivable order number if a drop ship
custpo Customer purchase order number if a drop ship
custphone Customer phone number if a drop ship

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Sales Prospecting (2)

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Perform the following steps.

1. Create a template.

Go to Sales Prospecting, Email, Manage Email Templates.

2. Go to Sales Prospecting, Lists, Create List to get the list of prospects to email.

Save the list.

3. Make sure your email settings are set.

Go to Sales Prospecting, Other, Options.  Make sure your email address and authentication is entered correctly.

4. Send the emails.

Go to Sales Prospecting, Lists, Send Email To List.

Select the list and the template.

Click start to send your emails.


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Use a prospect task for the sales rep.

Enter the prospect task with the date of the cold call. Use a contact type code to show that this was a cold call.

Check the box to close this call.

Go to Sales Prospecting, Reports, Sales Rep Statistics to print the statistics report.

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Service (7)

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The system uses the pm months and/or clicks from the models serviced table. This can be overridden at the machine level by setting the pm months and/or clicks on the machine master.

When a service call is completed, and the PM service type is used, the system will update the date and reading of the pm call in the service master. You can also display the master and set the date and/or reading of the last pm service call.

Go to Service/Contract Billing, Service Calls, Display/Dispatch PM.  Click the Search for PM Due button at the top of the screen.  The system will then calculate the date of the next PM.  If that date is during the current or next month, an entry will be added to the list for that machine.

The program will not do this is the contract type ends in TM (time and materials).


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The contract type is not set up properly.

Display the machine master to find the contract type.

Go to Service/Contract Billing, Other, Contract Types. Double click on the contract type.

Look at the coverage information which is located on the right hand side of the screen.

Verify that the category of the inventory item or labor is covered or not covered for this contract type.

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Call backs are determine first by the definition of call back (days and/or clicks) in the models serviced table. If the call is over either the days or clicks, it cannot be a call back.


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Service Manager (3)

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This is usually caused by a bad meter reading.

Print a detail service history report for the tech in the date range being analyzed. Look for a negative CBC.  Display the job and correct the CBC.  You may also need to correct the meter readings and/or CBC for the next job for this machine in the service history.


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1. Set the excessive clicks reading in the models serviced table. This will alert the operator when the current click is more than the excessive from the previous click.

2. Set the alerts in the service manager console. This will pop up for the service manage when there is an excessive number of calls (user defined)

3. Print the excessive calls report in the service manager console

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In the service manager console, reports, create survey list.

This will create a list for service calls between two dates. An email, fax, or letter can then be sent from the list.

To send an email, create an email template in the sales prospecting system. Any Word document can be printed or faxed.

An alternative is to send a survey directly upon call completion.  Set this up by going to Service/Contracts, Other, Options.  Select the Email Options tab.  Create or edit your call completed template.

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