The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the pick ticket template.
Each bookmark can be used twice by adding the number 2 after the bookmark name. For example, custn and custn2 are used for the customer name.
dname | Company Name |
dadd1 | Company Address 1 |
dadd2 | Company Address 2 |
dadd3 | Company Address 3 |
dadd4 | Company Address 4 |
dadd5 | Company Address 5 |
dcity | Company City |
dstate | Company State/Province |
dzip | Company Zip/Postal Code |
dcsz | Company City, State, Zip on one line |
dphone | Company Phone |
dfax | Company Fax |
so | Order Number |
cust | Customer Number |
custn | Customer Name |
add1 | Customer Address 1 |
add2 | Customer Address 2 |
add3 | Customer Address 3 |
add4 | Customer Address 4 |
add5 | Customer Address 5 |
csz | Customer City, State, Zip on one line |
shipcustn | Ship To Name |
shipadd1 | Ship To Address 1 |
shipadd2 | Ship To Address 2 |
shipadd3 | Ship To Address 3 |
shipadd4 | Ship To Address 4 |
shipadd5 | Ship To Address 5 |
shipcsz | Ship To City, State, Zip on one line |
salesrep | Sales Rep on the invoice |
ponumber | Purchase Order Number |
orderdate | Date Ordered |
ordertime | Time Ordered |
shipvia | How Shipped |
terms | Terms on the order |
email address of customer | |
phone | phone number of customer |
fax | fax number of customer |
resale | Resale number of customer |
taxcode | Tax code of customer |
orderby | Ordered by of order |
messages | Messages of order |
shipdate | Shipping Date |
Takenby | The employee taking the order |
custcont | Customer contact name from the customer record |
tracking | Shipment tracking numbers for the order |
loyalty | Loyalty points for this order as well as cumulative loyalty points |