The following is a list and description of every bookmark that is used in the work order template.
From the customer record
cust | Customer number |
custn | Customer name |
add1 | Address 1 |
add2 | Address 2 |
city | City |
state | State/Province |
zip | Zip/Postal code |
custphone | Customer phone number |
custfax | Cusotmer fax number |
Customer email | |
resale | Resale number |
salesrep | Salesrep of customer |
creditcode | Credit code of the customer |
cust2 | Customer number repeat |
custn2 | Customer name repeat |
From the service call record
call1 | Call type 1 |
call2 | Call type 2 |
call3 | Call type 3 |
call4 | Call type 4 |
call5 | Call type 5 |
logcomments | Log call comments |
priority | Log call priority |
po | Purchase order number |
logdate | Log date |
logtime | Log time |
tech | Tech assigned |
job | Job number |
logmeter | Reading when call was placed |
orderby | Person who placed the service call |
takenby | Employee who logged the service call |
logdate2 | Log date repeat |
logtime2 | Log time repeat |
tech2 | Tech assigned repeat |
job2 | Job number repeat |
From the service machine record
model | Model of machine |
serial | Serial number of machine |
contract | Contract type |
taxcode | Tax code from machine master |
lastpmdate | Last pm date |
lastpmmeter | Last pm meter reading |
lastdate | Last service date |
lastmeter | Last meter reading |
installdate | Installation date of the machine |
loc1 | Machine location 1 |
loc2 | Machine location 2 |
loc3 | Machine location 3 |
loc4 | Machine location 4 |
loc5 | Machine location 5 |
machphone | Machine phone number |
machfax | Machine fax number |
keyop | Key operator |
terms | Customer terms |
idnumber | Machine id number |
ipaddress | IP address of the machine |
dpcomments | Messages from the machine record |
idnumber2 | Machine id number repeat |
expdate | Expiration date of the service contract |
model2 | Model of machine repeat |
serial2 | Serial number of machine repeat |
From the service history
prevjob | Previous job number |
prevjobcomments | Previous job comments |
history | Last 5 service calls |
warranty | warranty parts replacement |